People Cars
Midjourney brings my silly little traffic game to life

When I’m stuck in traffic, I like to play a game.

The rules are simple: turn every car I see into a famous person’s name. So for example, a Nissan Leaf becomes a Nissan Leif Garrett. I have a running note in my phone where I write down all of these names. Sophisticated stuff!

Eventually I becamed consumed with thoughts about what these people cars might look like, so I did what any creative in 2024 might do: I got AI to make them for me.


Chevy Keith Sub-Urban


Tom Celica


Porsche De Rossi


Nissan Questlove


Subaru Forester Whitaker


Bonus Subaru Forester Whitaker

If midjourney knows one thing, it’s that Forest Whitaker ALWAYS wears a suit and tie.

There is no moonroof, only zuul